Dear Colleagues

Publication of the EHRS meeting's proceedings

The proceedings of the meeting will be published in the journal Inflammation Research.

All papers should conform to the style of the journal but be sub divided into the sections Introduction, Materials and methods, Results and discussion (combined). No abstract should be included. Papers must comply exactly with the specifications given in the accompanying instructions in order that they will fit onto 2 printed pages.

Papers which do not meet these specifications are liable to be rejected outright.

As you will know, we are working with the publishers to an extremely tight deadline and all manuscripts must be in my hands by 15 JUNE at the latest. Only in this way can the papers be refereed and edited over the summer months and then forwarded to the printers for publication before the next meeting of the Society. PLEASE DO NOT EMAIL YOUR PAPER TO US. If we want it emailed, then we will ask for it.

You must include a copy of your manuscript and figures on disc (see Instructions for the publication of the EHRS meeting's proceedings). To help us and the publishers please do not use Macintosh format.


We would like to thank you in advance for your co-operation and to assure you that it will considerably expedite publication of the proceedings.


Dr Gill Sturman
EHRS Proceedings
'Chatham Hall Lodge', Chatham Green,
United Kingdom CM3 3LB

Tel: +44 1245 361366

Fax: +44 1245 361366

E-mail address:

Instructions for the publication of the EHRS meeting's proceedings

Send your manuscript to us by 15 June (Original and 2 paper copies of your manuscript together with a copy on disc). Texts on disc should be delivered in IBM PC format. They should be saved and delivered in two separate versions: with standard format as offered by your word processing program (give details of the program and version on the disc) and in Rich Text Format. Hard copy originals of illustrations must be 200% of printed size. Digital drawings, graphs etc should be submitted in JPG, GIF or TIF.

All papers should conform to the style of the journal, should be subdivided into the following sections:

Materials and methods
Results and discussion (combined).

Do not include abstract, running head or key words.

Strict compliance with the specifications given below is necessary in order that the material will fit onto two printed pages.
Papers which do not meet these specifications will be rejected outright.

Length of text:

a) max. 700 words * + max. 8 references + 2 half-page figures/tables or 1 full-page figure/table

b) max. 850 words* + max. 8 references + 1 half-page figure/table figure / table

c) max. 1000 words* + max. 8 references + no figures / tables

* This includes: legends to figures and/or tables and should fit onto 3 type-written pages (approximately 30 lines and 10 words per line).

Paper size


Lines spacing

Total number of figures or tables


Table size:
If 1 table on

If 2 tables or 1 table and 1 figure


A4 or 8.5 x 11 in

Max. 20 words


Max. 2

Max. 2 panels per figure

up to 20 lines (not longer than 85 characters) and no more than 10 columns.

up to 10 lines (not longer than 85 characters) and no more than 10 columns


Detailed Instructions to authors

INFLAMMATION RESEARCH publishes papers on all aspects of inflammation and related fields including histopathology, immunological mechanisms, gene expression, mediators, experimental models, clinical investigations and the effects of drugs. Related fields are broadly defined and include for instance, allergy and asthma, shock, pain, joint damage, skin disease as well as clinical trials of relevant drugs.

In addition, the Journal publishes meeting reports, letters, opinions, news of people, policies and general information relating to the above fields and the societies active in these fields.

The types of papers published are original research papers, short communications, reviews, commentaries, selected reviewed society proceedings and meeting reports.

Ethical guidelines. Clinical studies must be performed in accordance with the "Declaration of Helsinki" and its amendment in "Tokyo and Venice". Experiments causing pain or discomfort to animals must be performed according to the guidelines of the International Association for the Study of Pain as published in Pain 1983;16:109-110. In accordance with these guidelines, authors performing such experiments must justify explicitly that the procedures used are scientifically necessary and that the minimum possible pain or stress has been imposed on the animals. Authors should also indicate whether the experimental work was reviewed by an ethical committee or its equivalent.

References In the text, references must be given as consecutive numbers in square brackets. Wherever possible, excessive citation should be avoided. The reference list should be typed on a separate sheet(s) at the end of the manuscript, numbered according to consecutive citation in the text, using the Vancouver system as follows:

Heaney LG, Cross LJM, Stanford CF, Ennis M. Substance P induces histamine release from human pulmonary mast cells. Clin Exp Allergy 1995;25:179-86.

Skidmore IF, Vardy CJ. The mediators of bronchial asthma and the mechanism of their release. In Saxena PR, Elliot GR, eds. Pathophysiology and Treatment of Asthma and Arthritis. Agents and Actions Suppl. vol. 14. Basel: Birkhauser, 1984:33-48.

Siegel S, Nonparametric Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences. Tokyo: McGraw-Hill-Kogakusha, 1956:116-27.

For further examples see: N Engl J Med 1991;324:424-8.
Journal abbreviations should correspond to those in the World List of Scientific Periodical. Where possible, references should be easy to find.
A paper which has been accepted for publication but which has not yet appeared may be cited in the reference list with the words "in press" after the abbreviated name of the journal.



Unpublished results, papers in preparation and personal communications must be mentioned on the text ONLY; they are not to be included in the reference list. Personal communications may only be used when written authorisation from the communicator is submitted.

Illustrations Illustrations and legends should, in all cases, be self-explanatory without reference to the text, numbers being given unobtrusively on the back of all submitted figures.

Tables should each be given on a separate sheet and prepared for use in a single column (8 cm wide) or for page width (16 cm). Each table must be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals in italics and a brief descriptive caption should be given. The caption, headings and footnotes should be separated from each other and from the body of the table by horizontally ruled lines. Vertically rule lines must never be used. References to statistical significance may be made by using superscript asterisks. Otherwise, and where statistical significance is indicated together with footnotes, references should be made by using superscript lower case letters.

Figures should be suitable for reduction to fit a single column, 8 cm wide or at most a double column, maximally 16 cm wide. Original drawings in black ink or good photographic copies of original drawings should be submitted. Lettering should be not less than 4 mm high and lines not less than 0.4 mm thick on original drawings. Symbols should be not less than 2.5 mm in diameter, preferably chosen from: l ¦ s ¡ o

Photographs and micrographs should be printed on glossy paper. the size should be larger than, but not more than twice as large as the final size in the journal (i.e. 8 or 16 cm). Lettering should be added directly to the micrographs by the author.
Legends should be typed on a separate sheet(s) of paper paginated as part of the paper.

Abbreviations The excessive use of abbreviations in the text is strongly discouraged. All abbreviations should be defined when first used by placing them in brackets after the full term. Symbols for physical units should adhere to the International System of Measurements and Units. Examples of these and of chemical and biochemical abbreviations and nomenclature may be found in Biochem J 1975;145:1-20 or in Br J Pharmacol 1984;81:3-10.

Submission of manuscripts
Please send the original and 2 paper copies of your manuscript together with a copy on disc.
Texts on disc should be delivered in IBM PC format. They should be saved and delivered in two separate versions: with standard format as offered by your word processing program (give details of the program and version on the disc) and in Rich Text Format.
Hard copy originals of illustrations must be 200% of printed size.
Digital drawings, graphs etc should be submitted in JPG, GIF or TIF.